Tuesday, February 19, 2013

First Baptism!

Well this was another busy week. We taught a lot and we saw some more miracles happen.

This baptism was great! It was really exciting for Ferly and a good learning experience for us. We found out that we need about 2 hours to fill the baptismal font. We started about 45 minutes late because the font wasn't ready. Ferly's dad got to do the baptism. It was a good experience for him to use his priesthood.

This week we found out why some of our investigators didn't come to church. Some were sick and others didn't have money or were doing things to get money. We were hoping that they would come to church this week but few come.

Sister Nigad and her children did come to church this week. They really want to be baptized. They were sad when we moved their baptismal date and they promised that they would never miss church again. They are to be baptized on March 2 & 9. We were hoping for Edmon and Felix to come to church but they didn't come. We know that Felix is now working building houses and Edmon is working as well so they can have money to come to church. They might have been working so they did come. They like the gospel though. Edmon wants his grandson to be baptized into the church when he turns 8. We will push for them to go to the special sacrament next Sunday in Punta Salong. Elmer is progressing still. We need to reteach somethings again but he likes the gospel. We went to his house to go to church but he was at the ocean so he didn't attend.

This week we were going to teach someone we found but he wasn't there. We felt like we needed to go to a member's house so we went. We didn't know why we just felt like we should be there. We were there for a while but through going there we picked up 3 new investigators. Later, we got one more when we went to visit one of the new investigators. We are have high hopes for them.

So this week was transfers. Elder Bermudez and I stayed in Manapla but Elder Bermudez became district leader. It was funny because he was district leader 6 months before I came and he got a break for one transfer and now he is district leader again.

Overall it was a good week. We worked hard and will continue to work even harder.

I love you all,

Elder Nielsen

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