Tuesday, September 3, 2013

10 months!

I can't believe that 10 months have passed already. It has only felt like 2 months have gone by! It is crazy.

We had an amazing week this week. We had a pretty good amount of appointments this week and we are seeing a lot of good things coming out right now.

We are happy to say that Erik came to church this week!!! He brought his niece with him that isn't a member. She came and listened to us on Saturday and we asked her if she wanted to be baptized. She said yes, she is 9 years old. We were so excited! We are now looking forward to 4 baptisms coming up. Jovenal didn't make it to church this week. We went over there yesterday to find him sick. He is still good for Sept. 28. We set his baptism late so he could still be baptized on that day if he missed a Sunday. He is doing very well and has a great testimony. We had a great experience with him this week. We taught him the Word of Wisdom on Thursday. We knew that he had a cigarette problem. We taught him about it and he told us he went to the doctors earlier that week and they told him that he needed to stop smoking and stop drinking coffee because it wasn't helping him. They told him that it was bad for his body. It was great to see how the Lord helps us by sending some of our investigators to the doctors to find out that is bad for them. They will listen to the doctors. Some of the missionaries say if they won't give up their word of wisdom problems you pray they will get sick so they go to the doctors so they will stop. It isn't the best to pray for but it works for getting them to stop. We went to Irish's parents yesterday to ask them to sign the baptismal record so she could be baptized. The mother was hesitant at first but Irish went inside the house grabbed a pen and told her to sign. It shocked us a little bit to see that she had such a desire because she doesn't talk much during the lessons but she has a great testimony about the truth. We are planning on going back to their mother and teach her because she says that she hasn't listened to the missionaries before. We are looking forward to seeing if we can help her join as well. We were a little bit shocked yesterday at church. We contacted a less active about a week ago. We were looking for a referral and we asked her where the referral lives. She told us she was a member. To keep things short, she came to church yesterday and she brought her grandchildren. We know 2 of them can be baptized, one a covert the other is 8 years old. We are looking forward to teaching them this week so they will be baptized as well. We also have been working on Mimi Brava for a while now. She has been taught for a long time. She is a part member. Her mother is less active. She also came to church this week. It was cool because we haven't seen her for about 2 weeks because she went to Manila but she got cold there because of the typhoon and came back and she came to church. It was definitely a great day. We also had a branch fellowshipping night. We had the members invite others to come to the church to tour it. After they had some activities. They had 36 investigators come. We started contacted them yesterday and one is interested. He said he wanted to come to church so we will meet him there next week and set a schedule to teach him.

This week was very hot. We had no rain. It was very different and we felt like dieing yesterday because it was so hot. We were walking and would stop every so often to rest because we were drenched with sweat. It was very hot.

We celebrate Labor day here but it is a different day but it is different. Everyone still works. It is just like a normal day.

Well I think that is all. It was a great week.

Love you all,

Elder Nielsen

PS Merry Christmas. We are starting the Christmas season now. It starts 100 days before Christmas day. Time to start singing the Christmas songs!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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