Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Staying Pretty Busy

We had James baptism this week. It went very well. We were surprised by their testimonies after the baptism. They were very good. We can't continue Junjun's baptism because he hasn't been to church and we don't know if his parents are ok with him being baptized yet. We haven't had any contact with him because he has been in Bonifacio for the past week. We hope to be able to continue this week.

Our next baptism is on March 15. Mary Joice is doing great. She is doing very well and listens well as long as her aunt is there to help us teach. Members really help with keeping the investigators going and progressing. After that we are looking at Jessica. She didn't make it to church probably because it rained. We are looking at March 22 for her. Then we are looking at James friend, Alejandro, on March 29. Everything looks good as long as it doesn't rain and they continue to come to church. The members are doing great as well because they are bringing investigators to church with them that we have never taught. We are hoping to contact some of those investigators and try to teach them so they can go on the list of baptisms so we can plan for them. It is great when the members help. It makes our work a lot easier and  it helps them feel the blessings of the gospel in their lives. We ended with 5 investigators at church this last Sunday.

That is about the work we did for this week. We scrambled around this week trying to meet the needs of the investigators and members and then we were trying to keep things going with being a missionary. We had to get pictures taken so that we could go home. Then this week we had a meeting with the district president. That was a great meeting talking with him and how we could move the work forward better in the Escalante District. One thing we had an idea to do was have the branch presidents work with the missionaries. One problem for them to become a stake is tithing. We are getting enough members paying tithing so working with the branch president can lead us to those that aren't paying to help them know the blessings of tithing which every Filipino needs.

That was it for the week. We stayed pretty busy. Lots of people were busy this week so we had some struggles but it worked out.

Love you all,

Elder Nielsen

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