Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A Rewarding Week

This was a pretty rewarding week for us. We saw a lot of blessings and our potential is growing.
We actually had only a few teachings this week. No one seemed to be home because there was a fiesta called Panaad going on. Lots of people went to attend the celebration leaving us to find a lot of people to teach.
Chienna is doing very well. She is loving the teachings and is progressing very well. She didn't come to church because she went to Bago so we didn't see her there but we did teach her. We are planning on baptizing her on April 26. We are also teaching her sister Diana. She is also doing really great. She hasn't been to church yet so we are looking at May 10 for her. We also have a new investigator that is really great. His name is Albert Javier. He is about 22. His cousin is a member. We started teaching him this last week and he came to church. We tried to give him but he isn't ready to accept it yet. He wants to learn more before he decides. Rica is ok. She didn't come to church again because they went to Panaad on Saturday night and then slept in on Sunday so they didn't come. We didn't make it to Jenick this week. We went there once but she wasn't there so we don't know how she is doing. We went to teach Carmela but it was bishop's wife's birthday and there was a big party so we didn't get to teach. We tried again but they didn't answer the door. We also started teaching a new investigator named Eden Villanueva. She is very good. Her husband is a member but less active. We just taught about eternal families and she started to cry because she new it was true. She is a great potential baptism. The only problem is she has work every Sunday. We will have to see how that goes. We also had 2 new investigators show up at church on Sunday that a member invited. They seem like good potential. We will start teaching them next Sunday.
Other then that we just had our meeting last Tuesday and did our training on Wednesday. That went pretty well.
This week should be a lot better. We will be preparing people to be taught for next week because they will be receptive during Holy week. That will be exciting.
Love you,
Elder Nielsen

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