Tuesday, April 15, 2014

General Conference Week

This was a very good week. We had so many great experiences especially with our investigators and watching general conference. A lot of the talks seem to focus on us and what we are doing as missionaries. It made me think of what I am doing right now and what I need to do to improve.
First of all nothing happened with transfers. We are just the same as always. The only thing was that we now have the other assistants, there is 4 in the mission, are now in our zone so we have both pairs in the zone hahaha.
I will try to start at the first of the week and move to the end. This week we had a really good lesson with Carmela. She says that she felt the Holy Ghost as she read and prayed about the Book of Mormon. She feels it is true. We are now just working on that so she accepts the church is true and she needs to be baptized. Albert is doing very well. We were teaching him about baptism and he said as we were talking about it his mind just cleared up and he understood what we were talking about and he knew it was true. We got him to accept a baptismal date for May 3. Chienna is coming along. She is doing really good but Diana is coming a lot slower. They should be baptized on May 10 but we still need them to pray to know that it is true. We taught Rica and got her so excited to come to General Conference but she didn't make it. We will have to follow up on her but she is doing so well. She knows the gospel very well. We had an amazing experience with a new investigator named Eden. We were teaching the Restoration to her and she believes that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. She wants to join the church so bad. She just needs to get Sundays off so that she can attend church. We are really praying for her because she is so amazing and she knows that the gospel will bless her family. We also had an amazing experience with a new investigator named Melchora Benitoy. We were thinking she wasn't going to listen to us because she didn't come to the meeting place last time we went to teach her. This time she came and we taught about the Restoration. Tires came to her eyes and we know that she was touched by the Holy Ghost. She wasn't ready to say so but you could tell she felt the love of God and believed it to be true. It brought lots of joy to us to know that she felt it and we could see so.
Holy Week is now started and it is a little bit different to see this year. Last year it wasn't that big of a deal but this year it is a lot bigger since being in Bacolod. We were coming from General Conference and we went by a Catholic church and everyone had some decorated sticks with leaves coming off it to represent the palm leaves. I don't know what they do with them but it was pretty cool. This week, lots of people will be home so we will be teaching a lot more. The big day is Good Friday which is coming up. They will do a parade with the cross. Sometimes some people crucify themselves but not often. Sunday is just the day for people to go to church. That is about all that is different. It will be good.
I would just like to share some of my impressions of General Conference.
How is your Preach My Gospel studies? Elder Ballard tells us to share what we learn in it. I was reading the first presidency message in the front and it really talks to all people not just full time missionaries. The only thing that it says that doesn't apply is about district meetings and zone conferences.
The two big ones that struck me were in the priesthood session. Elder Hallstrom talked about how we need to give all our heart, might, mind, and strength to the Lord. We need to do everything we can to serve the Lord. He gives us all so we should give what we can. Then President Monson talked about if we have the courage to do what is right. He really focused on are we just watching the work of the Lord or are we participating. It made me think how much am I doing. There is always ways to improve. It also made me think of something Elder Brent Nielson said at a stake conference here "The Lord is hastening His work. Are you?"
I realize that is why I am out here, to hasten the Lord's work. To find, teach, and baptize so that all come unto Christ and obtain everlasting life. What work could be greater?
Love you all,
Elder Nielsen

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