Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Summer Break

Guess what?!!! No more school until maybe August!!! I am so excited! Graduations finish this week then summer starts for the kids. They might be changing their school schedule so they will be on the same schedule as the USA. It will be great for teaching!!! All the kids will be home so we will have lots of appointments.
This week was the move out of San Carlos and Escalante. We only found out about a week and a half ago. It was a big surprise for us. I don't know exactly how it affected our zone yet. I will find out this week in our mission leadership training on Tuesday. I just know that we now have a lot more elders in the zone because almost every unit has 4 missionaries in them now.
As far as this week, we had a really good week. We didn't get anything new as far as Sunday went, going to church, but we made a lot of progress and have some pretty good investigators that are coming.
The one looking like our next baptism is Chienna. We talked to her mom this week and taught her a short message about families and she said that she had her religion but she was good with her kids choosing for themselves. That means that we can probably baptize Chienna. We will probably do that on April 19. The next we are hoping for is Carmela. She works for the bishop of our ward. She is making progress and she really wants to get an answer if it is true. We were teaching her and she kept asking "How can I know if this is true?" We are hoping she will get an answer soon then she will be willing to be baptized. After that might be Rica. She is doing good but something is going on over at her house. We weren't able to teach her this week because of family. She wouldn't come to church this week either so we are hoping we can figure out what is going on there to help her this week. We also have a new investigator named Jenick (Jan-ike). She is really good and understands a lot of the doctrines. She looks really good. We feel that Brother Planilla is coming but he hasn't come to church yet. Maybe next week we can get him there by using his family and the importance of the priesthood in his home.
It was a good preparing week. We hope that next week, we can start getting people coming to church. That is all they are lacking right now.
Elder Nielsen

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